Sunday, July 26, 2009

Social Networking - Facebook and Twitter

I've had a Facebook account for several months, and am just beginning to get comfortable with it. I've found friends, one I'd lost touch with for several years. I don't share with many people. I'm enjoying keeping in touch, but don't find time to log in more than 2-3 times a week. It's the pictures I enjoy most! I'm looking for County Libraries - is there was an easier way to locate them all instead of searching each name? Northland's is way out of date and not much content!

Just got a Twitter account, really have a ways to go before I see the use for it. Couldn't find anyone I really cared about following for awhile - finally came up with Walt Mossberg (computer stuff), that was interesting but haven't checked back with Twitter for a few days. -- Just checked, fortunately he doesn't tweet often. Removed one other person I was following. And I have a follower I've never heard of??? This takes time!! Maybe when some 'event' happens I'll get interested. Couldn't find Northland - I must be missing something with the search or find friends. We do tweet, occasionally, but searching Northland Library, Northland Public Library, user name 'northlandlibrar' or the director's name don't bring up any results. I can get to our tweets from the library's home page.... More questions to ask.

Question one - how do I get rid of tweets I've read???

1 comment:

  1. I'm still getting adjusted to Twitter myself - haven't really seen a need for it, personally, since Facebook kind of solves the 'what are you doing/thinking' question. Why post in 2 places, right?

    Also, tweets just stick around so there's no getting rid of them. I know the desire though to 'clean up!'
